Taking The Core Challenge is highly motivational as it allows participants to develop their skills and gain a deeper sense of personal achievement.

The Core Challenge is a complete guide for setting and achieving goals. Working through it takes 100 days and daily effort, but if you are committed, then you will acquire the skills to achieve your goals which will stay with all your life.

Taking time in advance to reflect and set your goals leads to knowing yourself better. And when you know yourself, you will stay focused on the goals and tasks you are trying to achieve, rather than distracted by irrelevant behaviors.

Asking yourself the following goal setting questions before starting this program will be the difference between achieving your dreams and not.

Note: After you registration is approved. You will receive an e-mail with the Onboarding guidebook to start the Core Challenge.

Please complete the following form:

Your full name:.
Your e-mail address:.
Your age:.
Your sex:.


1: What are your 5 most important values in life right now?

2: What are your 5 most important goals in life right now?

3: What do you most enjoy doing right now?

4: What holds you back from achieving your goals?
Important: Goal setting is just as much art as it’s a science that can be learned. During the next 100 days, you must make deliberate, intentional effort in working on your goals to see them achieved. That’s why it’s so important that the values and things you hold as important in life match up so closely with your goals.

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