“Our liver is the basic detoxification center for what gets through the intestines. Alcohol irritates the liver by creating excess free radical damage during the detoxification process. If we're going to consume alcohol, especially in any large quantity, we want to try to limit the load of toxins and pesticides we have to process by choosing organic.” -- Planet Green


Success will come your way once you realize that you have to make it come your way by your own vitality. A key to restoring and maintaining vitality is to become conscious of your choices and how they may be affecting your health, energy and emotions.

Everywhere we go we see people complaining of the way they look and feel. According to research, the cause of food allergies, low energy, joint pain, lack of sleep and slow metabolism is linked to a toxic gut die. One in four carrying as much as an extra 25 pounds of not just weight, but toxic waste within the large intestine. If your large intestine (colon) is not lean and healthy, you will not look good and feel well. If your body is toxic, you will not be able prevent or reverse illness effectively. If you go through the day feeling sleepy, sluggish, and lethargic, your brain is toxic.

The Royal Society of Medicine did a major study and found that a dysfunctional large intestine (colon) is the contributor to 85% of all disease and illness. If the large intestine is not cleansed on a daily basis, it reabsorbs toxins that create most of the illness, bad breath and pain we suffer.

Do you feel tired during the day? If you do, it is not because of what you ate yesterday. It is the result of what you have eaten days, weeks, months and even years before. Diet and exercise can go a long way towards getting better rest at night and being more alert during the day. Balancing healthy eating choices with routine exercise can dramatically improve the way you perform throughout the day. Coffee, sugar drinks, alcohol and drugs are only a temporary fix which mask the symptoms, never actually resolving the root cause at hand. To increase our energy and vitality, we need to make healthy choices:

  • Eat healthy foods - A short list of high energy foods would be: fruits, leafy greens, whole grains, tree nuts, lean meats and eggs.
  • Exercise daily - Exercise breeds energy. It is recommended that you exercise at least 15 minutes a day, twice days. Daily exercises will help your body to release endorphins which will make you feel good about yourself.
  • Practice daily detoxification - Daily detox is an effective way to clear your body of toxins, which will also speed up your metabolism and enhance your overall health. Start by decreasing the amount of refined flour and sugar you consume


Some of the benefits of daily detoxification are:

  • Helps to eliminate toxins
  • Reduces fat from your skin and arteries
  • Improves your digestive system
  • Improves your immune system
  • Regulates bowel movements
  • Repairs and renews damaged cells
  • Energizes your body.


Internal hygiene is as important as taking a shower or brushing your teeth. Practicing internal hygiene is smart for two reasons. First, it helps prevent people from catching and spreading illness and disease; internal hygiene is one of the most effective ways to protect ourselves from many illnesses, such as gastroenteritis. Second, internal hygiene helps people to stay lean and energetic.

Not having good internal hygiene can result in sickness, sluggish immune systems, poor hair, skin and nails, inefficient bowel and digestive systems and more. Internal hygiene is more than just being clean, for example hair looks clean and we smell OK. Internal hygine is defined as the main practice that help people to look younger and live longer.


The Core Challenge is a series of physical and mental fitness exercises engaging individuals to maximize their mental and physical performance. Throughout this empowering 100-DAY coaching program, you will develop the vitality to feel healthy and strong - confident to achieve your personal and professional goals.

So if you're serious about improving your internal hygene, health and vitality - if you want to have the mental energy for achieving your goals in the next 100 days, you only have to register to get in and get going.


Whatever we are doing, whether we are working or resting, or studing, we will be more efficient and happier if we are focused on the activity instead of thinking about something else. For busy people, it’s often tempting to multitask and do several things at the same time. When multitasking is the norm, we lose the ability to focus as distraction becomes a habit. As a result of multitasking, we do mindless work and we often make mistakes.

In today's digital environment, we've trained our brains to be unfocused. Research shows that multitasking is not nearly as efficient as we like to believe, and can even be harmful to our health. Ultimately, the goal is not constant focus, but to combine the features of a to-do list and a time-management to tracks our time as we work through our list of activities.

Regardless of your talents, experience, and responsibilities, this 100-DAY program will enhance your mental focusand and vitality to delivere extraordinary results. As a result of following the Core Challenge daily routine, your lifestyle will be enhanced based on the Five Pillars for Health:

  • Hydration
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Hygiene
  • Relaxation

As a result, you will develop the vitality and the mindset for taking daily and consistent action. You'll have the energy to achieve your personal goal and live your dreams. Everyday, during 100 days, you'll have the energy to stay focused on your goals, think about the things you want to achieve and enjoy the pleasure of achieving them. When you have the energy and vitality to live your dreams; when you are prepared for opportunities, your chance for success is sure to come.

Everyday, during 100 days, you'll learn to accept total responsibility for your actions and you'll take every opportunity you can to surround yourself with successful people. Everyday, during 100 days, you will practice the Five Pillars for Health and day by day, you will adopt best practices to improve your mental focus and increase your productivity.

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