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Fitness Training Outline

It is in the assignments - 7 Steps in all - where you will get your fitness training. After completing the first three assignments, you will send them to us. We will assess your fitness plan and recommend some personal training.

You can follow this training schedule according to your abilities and circumstances. The exercises can be done anywhere that you feel comfortable doing them. You can adapt the program to suit your own timetable.

You can start as soon as you like - in five minutes should you wish. And you can study and practice at your own speed for there are no time limits.

The MASTERMOVES fitness programs are based on the following core principles:


The Mastermoves Fitness Programs

These natural principles are integrated in all 7 of the Mastermoves fitness programs: Body Conditioning, Body Relaxation, Body Flexibility, Body Strength, Body Coordination, Body Endurance and Body Toning.

Initially, you practice each program individually until you achieve your fitness goals. Later, you will practice all of the programs together in a weekly routine - a different program for each day of the week.

Take a moment to look at the core principles pictures from your instructional manual. Daily visualization of these pictures will create the neurological path in your brain for practicing and manifesting these fitness results.


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I love it! I have been using Mastermoves now for almost a year and I haven’t missed one single day of exercise. My “gym” now consists of 2 tools that are both portable and easy to use. I can do my exercises anywhere any time -15 min. twice a day is a manageable exercise program for my busy life style.
-- Frances Preissl, Executive Assistance


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