1: Setting your fitness goals
Setting goals is not just about making a list of the things
that you want or wish to happen. A goal is a very specific aspiration
or ambition that emerges from your desires, beliefs and values
process of setting goals begins by determining your desires,
beliefs and values, For example, if you are setting fitness
goals you have to ask yourself what do I desire about fitness?
Do you want to be lean, flexible, stronger or more coordinated?
ask yourself do I believe in my fitness potential? Are you willing
to exercise everyday? Are you willing to eat healthy food?
how much do I value fitness? How important is fitness for you?
What are your priorities in life?
make sure that each of your fitness goals has a clear and definite
fitness purpose. For example, if my goal is to improve flexibility,
the purpose behind this may be to become a dancer instructor.
1: Setting your fitness goals
2: Planning your fitness
STEP 3: Signing your fitness resolution
STEP 4: Detoxifying your body
STEP 5: Planning for healthy eating
STEP 6: Exercising your body
STEP 7:Tracking your progress