The Core Challenge - 100 Days to Look and Feel Your Best!

Weekly Schedule - Do it with pride!

Success is not measured by what you accomplish. It's measured by the sacrifices you made to achieve your goal, the opposition you encounter, and the courage with which you maintain your daily actions against the odds. You'll find all things are difficult before they are easy.

The greater your obstacles, the more glory in overcoming them. So, make up your mind before you start The Core Challenge, hard work is part of the package. The world is so constructed that if you wish to enjoy its pleasures, you must also endure sacrifices.

As part of The Core Challenge you will exercise with Mastermoves in order to achieve your optimal finess level - mentally and physically. More than just a typical workout that you can experience in a gym, the Master Moves workout routines will guide you, day by day, step by step, through the next 14 weeks of physical and mental development.

As the leading cause of death in North America, diseases of the heart take the lives of over 500,000 people on an annual basis. The following plan will help you apply all of the principles you learned by reading the Mastermoves instructional manuals. It will guide you, step by step, through the entire program to show you how to work with your body to jump-start your motivation, kick your metabolism into high gear, and to live a healthy life to prevent some of the most common diseases.

This weekly schedule will help you build muscle mass and redure belly fat. Each week from the following table will provide you with suggestions to help you change old habits for new ones. It's important to remember that eliminating belly fat can make a real improvement in reducing your risk for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, back problems and other serious conditions.


  • Overweight and obesity are the fifth leading risk for global deaths. At least 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese. - World Health Organization

  • Back injuries account for nearly 20% of all injuries and illnesses in the workplace in North America. - The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

  • Chronic back pain is said to account for more than $2.5 billion lost to the British economy each year - The British Medical Journal

  • Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) continues to be one of the leading causes of death and morbidity among adult.- Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation

Provided you will follow the weekly schedule, making sure that you will not fall off the bandwagon by given yourself too many "treats," your hard work will pay off with a well-toned, healthy stomach and firmer and stronger muscles. However, the real reward will be your new, transformed body and your empowered mind ready to achieve great prosperity in life.
Make a Change - Make a Difference!
Week 1
Body Conditioning - The pursuit of worthy goals requires hard work, persistence and intense focus. There is no doubt about it! However, one of the important lessons we have learned over the years is that you have to be gentle and respectful with your body. Body Conditioning is designed to start your training and gradually progress with more advanced workout routines. Read More... Click Here!


2 - 3 - 4

Body Toning - Imagine a well-toned body, the loss of several pounds of weight, healthy skin, increased energy, and better digestion. Don't despair - it is possible and it is achievable on a 28-day detox program integrated with Body Toning - your second workout routine. Body Toning is the ideal way to get the body system going and to increase the metabolic rate. Read More... Click Here!


5 - 6 - 7

Body Blast - Functional movements is the most effective training by means of which the body's flexibility can be increased. Body Blast combines various types of functional movements that help increase flexibility, coordination, balance and good posture. Body Blast target at improving the body's flexibility, increase blood circulation, enhance the range of motion of the joints and naturally enhance your overall performance in all spheres of life. Read More... Click Here!


8 - 9 - 10

Body Endurance - Have you strive for years to attain a well-toned lean stomach; have you tried every diet imaginable; stuck rigidly to a daily ritual of sit-ups and even contemplating spending your savings on a expensive gym, all for the sake of having a flat stomach? Body Endurance is designed to help tone the abdominal muscles that work in conjunction with the back muscles to help you maintain core stability. Read More... Click Here!


11 - 12

Calorie Blast - This advanced workout is used to develop the athlete's capacity to maintain the quality of their muscles' contractile force. Willpower is a paramount ingredient to complete this high gear workout routine. The best thing about Calorie Blast is that no matter what your sport, hobby or fitness plans are, this routine will help you achieve your optimal fitness capacity. Read More... Click Here!


13 - 14

Core Endurance - There are two main types of exercises that will help you attain a flat stomach. One is aerobic exercises and other is core strengthening work. Both are included in this workout routine. Core Endurance is designed to help you increase the rate at which calories are used up. Based on isometric, aerobic and strengthening, Core Endurance is ideal for strengthening and toning all the muscles of your core. Read More... Click Here!
IMPORTANT: To gain all the benefits from the weekly schedule, please follow the weekly schedule by clicking on NEXT PAGE button located at the end of this page. Later you can use the MENU BAR to access our library of videos, books, recipes and articles.

Renew your body...
Rejuvenate your life!

If You Need Motivation, Sign up Today!

Sign up for 100 Day challenge and learn how to live a healthy and prosperous life. The Core Challenge is a personal coaching program designed to

  • develop the power of your intuition and leadership
  • overcome obstacles and reclaim your power
  • develop discipline and persistence to achieve your goals.



Master Moves - Core Training System
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