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Introduction to CORE Marketing

You may not have considered this before, but did you know that EVERYONE is a salesperson? Everyone who is effective in any area of life that involves other people is an excellent salesperson of some kind. Everyone makes his or her living selling something to someone. Everything that we get in life is determined by how much value we contribute to the lives and work of other people. You can spend hundreds of dollars on books and thousands of hours on websites looking for your answers. Or you can look no further, as we've collected the best tips on marketing and sales -- a massive resource list that is almost guaranteed to your personal and professional success.

If you're in sales, or interact with people on a regular basis in your profession or you just want to be more effective conveying your ideas, then the single most important thing you can do is to learn how to sell. When you become effective at selling yourself and your products and services to other people, you will have a wonderful life, full of riches, rewards and respect. Why? The answer is because, in all your interactions with others, from morning to night, you are continually selling, negotiating, persuading and influencing other people. You sell yourself to your friends; to the person you want to marry; to an employer when you look for a job; to your co-workers when you need support; to your boss when you want a promotion.

The definition of sales is what you do and say during the one moment your product or service is being purchased. It's confirming the payment options. Marketing is what you do before and after the sale. It is the strategy that will identify prospects that will lead to the sale. Marketing is learning about your client needs and delivering products and services that match their expectations. Marketing is about building awareness and relationships that convince past customers to buy from you again. Marketing includes anything that comes into contact with your customer.

Sales activities are focused on converting prospects to actual paying customers. Sales involve directly interacting with the prospects to persuade them to purchase the product. Marketing thus tends to focus on the general population whereas sales tend to focus on individuals or a small group of prospects. Before becoming good at selling your ideas, products or services, you have to establish a good reputation with friends, family, organizations and the public in general. Sales and marketing will always be natural partners and their common relationship is your reputation. But their mandates are quite different. Marketing and sales are both activities aimed at increasing revenue. They are so closely intertwined that people often don't realize the difference between the two. Indeed, in small organizations, the same people typically perform both sales and marketing tasks. Nevertheless, marketing is different from sales, therefore, it's important you understand these two concepts. Let's start with a definition of what we is called in this manual CORE Marketing.

CORE Marketing is "the fabrication of reputation" around the needs you have to sale ideas, products or services. In most cases, businesses fail because there is a gap between sales and marketing. The components of this gap are:

Customer - Order - Reputation - Experience.

We use the acronym CORE to identify how these component work together to provide solutions to customers' need or problems. For instances, based on CORE Marketing, we can produce two compelling selling statements:

  • Mastermoves is a Core Training program that customers can practice from home without weights or sit-ups. You can order Mastermoves directly from any of our distributors. Our reputation is built on serving over 20,000 satisfied men and women who have experienced outstanding fitness results with Mastermoves.
  • You can order and experience a quick and effective Core Training to shape and strengthen your body from home. All of our customers receive the same professional service and commitment to care, as this generates the best form of reputation for our business.

In the previous examples, by using CORE Marketing we communicate effectively a stronger reputation for Mastermoves. Once reputation is establishes, the sale process will naturally convert prospects into customers. The fundamental philosophy of CORE Marketing is that an organization should orient itself to serve the customer's needs. This manual shows why marketing must identify and respond to these needs. Based on CORE Marketing, this manual, also provide step by step strategies that you can implement to develop and sustain long-term success in any business.



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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012

Telephone: (604) 742-1120

Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada