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The following e-books are a good source of inspiration and information to help you create a successful business with Mastermoves. Ideally you should read one e-book each week. Gradually your thinking will create good ideas that will materialize into action.

Don't just "start an online business"… create a "freedom factory".

Creative Mind by Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

Creeds, doctrines, churches, institutions, organizations, governments are all being changed to give place to the realization of the individual. There is a power in and through all that is working this great transformation. All that will not measure up to the standard must fall by its own weight; all that is in line with the Truth must still prosper. The time is at hand; we are in the greatest age of all history; we are in the age of the unifying of all people and all things into the "Ever Present One."

This little book is an attempt to explain what each soul must discover for himself, that he stands in the midst of an eternal creative power which presses itself around his own thought, and casts back to him glorified all that he thinks.

The Law And The Word by T. Troward

To the wide circle of Judge Troward's friends he will best and most gloriously be remembered as a teacher. In his magic mind the unfathomable revealed its depths and the illimitable its boundaries; metaphysics took on the simplicity of the ponderable, and man himself
occupied a new and more dignified place in the Cosmos. Not only did he perceive clearly, but he also possessed that quality of mind even more rare than deep and clear perception, that clarity of expression and exposition that can carry another and less-informed mind along with it, on the current of its understanding, to a logical and comprehended

In his books, his lectures and his personality he was always ready to take the student by the hand, and in perfect simplicity and friendliness to walk and talk with him about the deeper mysteries of life--the life that includes death--and to shed the brilliant light of his wisdom upon the obscure and difficult problems that torment sincere but rebellious minds.

The Art of Money Getting by P. T. Barnum

Creeds, doctrines, churches, institutions, organizations, governments are all being changed to give place to the realization of the individual. There is a power in and through all that is working this great transformation. All that will not measure up to the standard must fall by its own weight; all that is in line with the Truth must still prosper. The time is at hand; we are in the greatest age of all history; we are in the age of the unifying of all people and all things into the "Ever Present One."

This little book is an attempt to explain what each soul must discover for himself, that he stands in the midst of an eternal creative power which presses itself around his own thought, and casts back to him glorified all that he thinks.

Power of Will by Frank Channing Haddock

THIS book comes to you as a Well-wisher, a Teacher, and a Prophet. It will become a Teacher if you will honestly try to secure mental reaction upon it; that is, if you will resolve to THINK, to Think with it and to Think into it. It will be Prophet of a higher and more successful living if you will persistently and intelligently
follow its requirements, for this will make yourself a more complete “Manual of the Perfected Will”. But remember:

  • This book cannot think for you; THAT IS THE TASK OF YOUR MIND.
  • This book cannot give you greater power of Will; THAT IS FOR YOURSELF TO ACQUIRE BY THE RIGHT USE OF ITS CONTENTS.
  • This book cannot hold you to persistence in self culture;THAT IS THE TEST OF YOUR WILL.

This book is not magical. It promises nothing occult or mysterious. It is simply a call to practical and scientific work. If you will steadfastly go on through the requirements marked out, this book will develop within you highest wishes of welfare for self, it will make you a teacher of self, it will inspire you as a prophet of self brought to largest efficiency. ALL NOW RESTS WITH YOU

THE IDEAL MADE REAL by Christian D. Larson

Creeds, doctrines, churches, institutions, organizations, governments are all being changed to give place to the realization of the individual. There is a power in and through all that is working this great transformation. All that will not measure up to the standard must fall by its own weight; all that is in line with the Truth must still prosper. The time is at hand; we are in the greatest age of all history; we are in the age of the unifying of all people and all things into the "Ever Present One."

This little book is an attempt to explain what each soul must discover for himself, that he stands in the midst of an eternal creative power which presses itself around his own thought, and casts back to him glorified all that he thinks.

How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash by Earl Prevette

How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash puts the Law of Wealth into operation. When applied it never fails to produce an abundance of worldly goods. In applying the ideas and suggestions in this book it will enhance your ability to realize three things.


  • First: Realize that everything you can think of exists now, otherwise you could not think about it. There is no lack of anything and there should be no envy or jealousy between men. There is enough of everything for everyone that lives.
  • Second: Realize that all things belong to God's creation and that you can only have a temporary use of them. There is no limit on your desires, and you can have the use of anything the ability can create.
  • Third: Realize that all things are distributed to those who have desires, but ability must be applied to formulate plans to claim these desires.

The Core Challenge by Oswaldo Koch

This manual is the culmination of years of refining and enhancing the practice of Core
Training. Everything I know about fitness, science, success, and prosperity has been
carefully incorporated in this manual. I will share with you some of the most inspiring
events that prompted me to become an expert in Core Training and to create the
Master Moves Core Training system.

My goal in this manual is to share with you a number of techniques that I have found, from
personal experience, to be the key in developing a lean, strong and beautiful body. I will
share with you stories of how successful people have found these techniques, and I will
explain the philosophical and ethical principles underlying the practice of health and


It is the natural right of every human being to be happy—to escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is the normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only because of our ignorance that we do suffer. Happiness is the product of wisdom. To attain perfect wisdom, to comprehend fully the purpose of life, to realize completely the relationship of human beings to each other, is to put an end to all suffering, to escape every ill and evil that afflicts us. Perfect wisdom is unshadowed joy.

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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012

Telephone: (604) 742-1120

Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada