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Building Reputation

Just as Kings and Queens in the past worried about their reputations and sometimes even went to war to protect them, today's businesses face similar and new challenges. In the past, even if a satisfied customer of yours was very popular, there's a good chance that he or she couldn't influence many people. Realistically, though, most customers in the pre-digital world days could, on average, influence maybe 5 to 10 people. We're talking immediate family, friends, co-workers and that's probably about it.

With the Internet infrastructure the size of a customer's formal and informal network can be in the hundreds or, more typically, the thousands. And these customers don't have to be wildly popular industry leaders or social networkers in order to own such a large network. They can simply be ordinary, everyday people who blog, post, chat, email and Twitter. And within a few minutes and a few sentences, these ordinary, everyday people can reach thousands of people in a matter of seconds.

Because of information overload, we need to trust it more, because we don't have the time or resources to do otherwise. The advice, recommendations and insights we get from our friends, families, colleagues, strangers who share our interests influences us much more than ever before because we need it to in order to function in an information-overloaded culture.

How To Strengthen Your Reputation

Reputation is a primary factor in building relationships, working together and listening to one another. Yet many people are unaware of the actions that influence their reputation. A good reputation is a critical link to all good relationships, both personal and professional. Studies show that productivity, income, and profits are positively or negatively impacted depending on the reputation of the business. Reputation can be created or destroyed through personal perceptions and behaviors.

There are four key elements to build a good reputation that you need to be aware of when you are promoting Mastermoves The four elements are: are:

  1. Competence - Do you know how to get the job done? Are they able to produce results? Do they have the skills to make things happen? Do you have the experience to inspire people?
  2. Integrity - You have to be honest in your dealings with people. In practical terms, this means creating and following fair processes. People need to feel that they are being treated with respect and honesty. Integrity is also about acting in a consistent, values-driven manner that reassures customers that they can rely on you.
  3. Communication - Helping people find solutions to their problems is supported by good communication skills. You need to openly share information about the products, services, you and the organization you represent. This allows you to be seen as more of a real and caring person that any person can identify with. When you care and concern for other people, it creates a sense of connection and trust. Help people with problems and your problem will disappear.
  4. Reliability - It means being accountable for their actions and being responsive to the needs of others. If you promise something, you must follow through. It also requires being organized and predictable so that people can see that you have things in order and are able to follow through on their promises.

Five Step To Improve Your Reputation

Measuring the trust in a relationship is a gauge of a good reputation. In a collaboration where all parties give equally and share mutual benefits, there must be mutual trust based on the reputation of each other. Therefore, you must take ownership for developing and protecting your reputation, and use marketing tools and tactics to influence it across an expanding array of platforms on and off the internet. The following are 5 steps of successful Reputation Marketing that you need to have working for your business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week:

  1. Manage your business's online identity - Define a unique niche and become the customer's expert on it. Make sure your identity is informed, accurate, found in the internet in all of the right places for the countless potential customers who will be influenced by what they read and hear. Beware: even minor problems like having the wrong phone number or a dead link to your website can not just cost you business but it can damage your reputation for a long, long time. Think end-of-time friendships, not end-of-month totals.
  2. Manage your reviews and testimonials - Achieve a perfect job of delivering what you've promised. Make sure that what's being said about you is fair and, ideally, positive. When it's not, you need to intervene, whether it's on Yelp, Google Places, RateMyDoctor, Online Yellow Pages, or another influential source, and take smart, careful steps to put out a fire or ensure that your side of the story is told without making the problem worse. You want to give potential customers a chance to see your response to the problem, and to be impressed by your position and any actions you took to turn lemons into lemonade.
  3. Share Information - Information is power. One of the best ways to build a good reputation is by sharing information. Providing people with more complete information communicates trust and a sense of "we're in this together." Testimonial, expert opinion, newsletters and articles, they helps people get aware of the benefits they will receive from the products and services your are promoting.
  4. Manage your Social Media presence and influence - You must use social media and get your message out to your target market. You also need to produce and manage social media spaces of your own - your blog, your Facebook page, and so on - so that both today's and tomorrow's fans can engage your business in familiar, friendly, informal social terms. Remember: your customers talk about your brand in social media spaces, and future customers find that information through searches.
  5. Walking the Talk - A good reputation, above all, has to be a walking example of the vision and values of the organization. The key to leadership is being able to develop a trusting relationship with others. Without trust, it is impossible for an organization to function effectively. Trust between leaders and the people they lead is essential for working together. If leaders say one thing and do another, people will question their trustworthiness.

You still have time to build a solid, lasting strategic CORE Marketing to build your reputation that includes tools, platforms and tactics that are built around your unique business and marketplace. CORE Marketing will help you build your reputation, whether is branding, target market-rich advertising, internal marketing, social media, print, public relations, website development, in-office video, or most likely, a combination of all.



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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012

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Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada