Mastermoves Affiliate Program

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Creating Orders

Marketing brings them in, operations brings them back." The old adage holds true now more than ever as customers have become an essential part of the marketing process. The fact that people trust recommendations from their friends far more than those they receive from third-party sources isn't new. What has changed recently is the reach and speed that a single recommendation can have, particularly when voiced through social media channels.

A customer's complain that once took weeks to reach a dozen people now takes seconds to reach hundreds. And one of the biggest challenges for retailers is that today's digitally connected consumers are far more vocal about their negative experiences than their positive ones. This means that the companies that consistently listen to their customers and improve the process of fulfillment orders will have the highest impact on customer retention.

An order is a confirmed request by one party to another to buy, sell, deliver, or receive goods or services under specified terms and conditions. Dissatisfied customers can quickly become brand detractors and tell the world about their poor service experiences.

Every time we receive an order, it becomes a legally binding contract that we need to deliver according to the expectations we promised to our customers. Improving how to deliver orders in the most efficient and satisfying way requires the understanding of the following concepts:

  • Customer Order Cycle
  • Customer acquisition management
  • How to generate sales leads
  • The process of generating leads
  • The process of order entry.

Customer Order Cycle

In most cases the customer order cycle occurs at the distributor website (affiliate) and includes all processes directly involved in receiving and filling the customer's order. As a result of a referral or action taken by an affiliate, typically, the customer initiates the order cycle in the following way:

  • Customer acquisition. The term Customer acquisition refers to the set of methodologies and systems to manage customer prospects and inquiries generated by a variety of marketing techniques. It can be considered the connectivity between advertising and customer relationship. This critical connectivity facilitates the acquisition of targeted customers.
  • Customer Order Entry. The term customer order entry refers to customers informing the distributor what products they want to purchase or placing an order directly at the distributor website. The objective of the customer order entry process is to ensure that the order entry is quick, accurate, and communicated to all other supply chain processes that are affected by it.
  • Customer Order Fulfillment. During this process, the customer's order is filled and sent to the customer. This process generally includes picking the order from inventory, packaging it, and shipping it to the customer. All inventories will need to be updated, which may result in the initiation of the replenishment cycle. In general, customer order fulfillment takes place from retailer inventory. The objective of the customer order fulfillment process is to get the correct orders to customers by the promised due dates at the lowest possible cost.
  • Customer Order Receiving. During this process, the customer receives the order and takes ownership.. When the product is delivered to the customer, records of this receipt will be updated and payment of commissions to distributor completed.

Customer acquisition management

Customer acquisition is the process of acquiring new customers for business or converting existing prospect into new customers. This process is specifically concerned with issues like acquiring customers at less cost or acquiring as many customers as possible. This process creates an orderly process for managing large volumes of customer inquiries, or leads.

The process must be able to organize numerous leads, at various stages of a sales process. In order to understand this process, it is helpful to examine a simplified linear lead flow process, such as the following:

  • Advertising and promotion
  • Customer inquiry or response
  • Inquiry captured
  • Inquiry filtered
  • Sales contact
  • Lead nurturing or retention
  • Sales result
  • Analysis of promotion's effectiveness

Anything that can be measured can be improved

Customer acquisition management is a critical process that will allows you to track result and quantify the effectiveness of various promotional activities. By creating methods and processes to track key acquisition data, you can get a more accurate picture of the traffic and new customers result from each channel. You will be able to realize continuous improvements in both promotional activities and customer acquisition systems.

Customer acquisition management also often includes the original response to a prospect immediately after their inquiry. This response could come in many forms - a personalized fulfillment letter and brochure, an e-mail response or a telephone call. In each case, you have to measure how you improve the relationship with your customers.



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