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Customer Loyalty

Customer loyalty is something that you earned by satisfying your customer's needs as a consumer. If you can meet the basic needs, establish value in your services, and remain consistent in the delivery of your service your customers will remain regular customers.
What does success look like?

In order to appeal to the widest number of customers your focus should be to focus on getting back to basics. Once you can be the fitness program that offers simple value statements to your customers you can then focus on additional value added promotions to attract customers more regularly.

The difference between a successfully promoted business and a business that fails to promote successfully is that in the long run you are remembered by your customers for what you've done for them. Far too many businesses think that by slashing prices and giving huge discounts will win over new customers. Discounting only goes so far when you are trying to bring in new customers because discounting is temporary and long-term price cuts hurt your bottom line. As long as you are meeting your customers basic needs a successful promotion will engage your customers and community in ways that will endear themselves to you and your business.

Mastermoves should not be known as "the cheap home exercise program" in their community. Mastermoves must be known as "the simple Core Training program", "the most fun exercise", "the exercise you can do for the rest of your life", "the most effective Core Training", "the convenient way to exercise anywhere", or "the fitness program that delivers fast results". These are the value statements that you should strive for within your local communities and with the customers you do business with,

How to create a customer loyalty

Meaningful, memorable, fun, unusual and unexpected experiences influence the way customers perceive you in general and feel about you in particular. These little details are so easy to overlook, so tempting to brush off as unimportant. But add a number of seemingly minor details together, and you end up with something of far more value than you would without them. It is often the little details that customers recall even more than the product they purchased or the service they received. Little details that customers notice, and that makes them feel good about not only making the purchase, but making the purchase from you, is a significant part of the overall customer experience.

Here are ten factors that affect whether the customer has a great experience.

  1. Provide excellent quality of the product or service - You should be able to exceed customer expectations to keep customers satisfied. This means, your products or services must perform as promised for your customer to have a great experience. Also, you should conduct a competitive analysis in order to identify what competitors offer and make sure to offer product differentiation.
  2. Appreciate customer feedback - Customer feedback should be both encouraged and welcomed so that businesses know how they could improve. It is very important for your business to know what your customers are thinking about your products and services. When you become more successful through customer feedback, you can adjust your business to your customer needs.
  3. Know your customer - Customers need to be treated as individuals and be complimented because such behavior creates trust and builds rapport with them. You need to know your customers, their needs and wants, their individual characteristics, their cultural traits and more generally, anything that can have a major impact on business communications. What do you do to show your customers that you appreciate them? After all, there are probably several other businesses that do what you do. Feeling appreciated is an experience that is universally meaningful.
  4. Develop listening skills - Customers love to talk about their needs and you have to be good listener to convey value and importance to your customers. Good listeners understand their customers, give them their full attention and make them feel significant for the business. By developing and using active listening skills, you create a relaxed environment that facilitates communication and encourages customers to ask questions and state possible complaints. Customers should be the driving force of your business and your business should adapt to the needs of your customers by focusing on meeting these needs.
  5. Keep your customers informed - Knowledge to get the maximum value from the product or service. Most of us have electronic equipment like computers and cell phones where we know only enough to make use of the basic features of the product. The final factor is whether at the end, the outcome matches the customer's expectation. If the customer does not get the result they were looking for, their experience will not have been a great one even if the preceding four conditions have been met. This is a major problem for most organizations because we do not ask customers about their expectations.
  6. Build trust and confidentiality - You need to build trust in your business, your products and services, your marketing strategies, but above all in yourself to make customers trust your business. Customers need to feel they can trust you and the organization you represent. To achieve that, you have to cover three main areas

    Be positive, friendly and trained - Be knowledgeable, polite, pleasant and willing to help customers. Customers love to do business with people who are positive and optimistic. By reflecting a positive attitude, employees or business.

    Develop listening skills - Customers love to talk about their needs and business owners have to be good listeners to convey value and importance to their customers. By developing and using active listening skills, employees or business owners create a relaxed environment that facilitates communication and encourages customers to ask questions and state possible complaints. Be responsively and responsibly so that customers feel they can be listened to, even if they are not right to raise a complaint.

    Take responsibility for mistakes - Take responsibility for your mistakes so that customers feel they can trust you and your company. When something goes wrong and customers find out, it is expected that you will undertake responsibility for the incident and that you will apologize for the incident. Although customers are not always right, they need always to feel they brought up a special situation to the business' attention and for that they should be thanked for. In other words, customer complaints need to valued and customers need to be thanked and appreciated for bringing up a problem, which wouldn't be solved otherwise.

  7. Exceed customer expectations - You should be able to exceed customer expectations to keep customers satisfied. This means you should conduct a competitive analysis in order to identify what competitors offer and make sure to offer product differentiation. This may lead to customer loyalty and consequently, can boost sales and profitability. Go the extra mile, give them choices in what to buy and how to pay. You should make your customers feel comfortable and willing to do repeat business with your company.
  8. Continuous customer service innovation. Many companies have an ongoing product innovation focus, but rarely think about customer service innovations. Define specific innovation objectives and rewards for improving the customer experience.
  9. Create superior customer value. Focus on creating superior value for your customers, and they will love you. This means know your competitors, technologies, and alternatives available. Match your offerings to your target customers better than anyone else. Find out everything you can about how to deliver great customer service. Steal the best ideas, benchmark against the top performers, and make improving customer service a core competency.
  10. Measure, measure, and communicate. Create a clear, specific, well-thought-out and over-communicated program for systematically collecting and communicating the most important customer service delivery measurements to the people who can then act on them. Make it easy for your people to win.



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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012

Telephone: (604) 742-1120

Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada