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CORE Components

To optimize both your market share and your margins, you must provide customers with consistent, compelling experiences-before, during, and after their orders-across all channels. You have to be so good at what you do and to offer products that are so obviously wonderful that your customers will spread the good word about you. The tremendous impact that customer experience has on business reputation is also evident on the downside. Nowadays, when customers have a bad experience with a company, they don't keep it to themselves; they instantly start venting on social networks. This means you don't just lose one customer; you lose many, hindering your reputation and opportunities to grow your business. You also lose brand value and positive word of mouth, which is one of the most cost-effective forms of marketing.

In the ever-evolving world of marketing, in real space and cyberspace, organizations are constantly challenged to change their marketing strategies. Changes are good when we respond to them rather than resisting them. For instances, communication systems enables marketers to advertise in the Internet and get results as good as advertising on television in prime time. Although marketing concepts continue to change so fast, the following CORE components of marketing remains unchanged:

  1. Consistency - Consistently means regularly and for a good period of time. When you are ready to market your product and service, be prepare to put the word out consistently.
  2. Order - An order is a confirmed request by one party to another to buy, sell, deliver, or receive goods or services under specified terms and conditions.
  3. Reputation - Reputation is how the public perceives products or services. Reputation drives word-of-mouth advertizing, the most effective form of marketing. As your business grows and you create a pool of satisfied customers, your reputation will grow naturally.
  4. Experience - Customer experience is the sum of all experiences a customer has with a supplier of goods or services, over the duration of their relationship with that supplier. To create a superior customer experience requires understanding the customer's point of view.

The main focus of Core Marketing is in the customer journey which makes the customer feel happy, satisfy, justify, with a sense of being respected, served and cared, according to his/her expectation or standard, start from first contact and through the whole relationship. Whether you run a small or even a gigantic business, CORE Marketing is crucial to be able to grow a business consistently over time. As you will learn in this manual, CORE Marketing is essential because it:

  • Focuses your efforts on the fundamental elements of marketing
  • Forces you to understand your prospects so you can differentiate and innovate
  • Creates a process that optimizes lead generation and close rates
  • Develops an operational plan for long term success
  • Determines how marketing and sales activities will be tracked, measured and optimized

All business organizations, whether a gym, a grocery store, or a car manufacturer, must do Core Marketing to survive; this also pertains to not-for-profit organizations such as a churches, charitable groups or educational institutions. This manual shows why CORE Marketing is so essential and provides an understanding of the fundamental marketing concepts and strategies to develop and sustain a successful business.

Traditional Marketing vs. CORE Marketing

Traditional marketing has to do with matching product and services to consumers' needs. As consumers, we know that sometimes this is done very well, and other times not. Serving the needs of customers is what business should be all about. Marketing is the business function that interprets customer needs to create outstanding products and services that create great value for consumers.

CORE Marketing has to do with improving the customer experience-the sum total of all the interactions a customer has with your brand during their customer lifecycle. CORE Marketing recognizes that customer experience has become the critical differentiator in today's hyper competitive, hyper connected global marketplace. Differentiation based on product innovation is no longer sustainable because competitors can leapfrog feature/function advantages more quickly than ever. And differentiation based on price kills profitability. On the other hand, research shows that 86 percent of consumers said they would be willing to pay more for a better customer experience.

A key aspect of your mission as a customer experience leader is therefore to act as the champion for customer experience. Everybody has to get on board with the idea that the quality and consistency of the customer experience is of central strategic value to the success of your organization. Conversely, it has to be made clear to everybody that anything that undermines the quality and consistency of the customer experience should be viewed as an advantage to your competitor because it can kill your brand value.

Because customer experience is such a critical competitive differentiator, it makes sense to make it one of the four components of Core Marketing. As such, it's important to lets customers know that your company view customer experience as central to your value proposition. This kind of branding also tends to raise customer expectations-not a bad thing. Because customer expectations are constantly being raised by their last excellent experience-even if that experience was with a competitor or with a company in an entirely different market space-it makes sense to embrace higher expectations and make them part of your company's brand differentiation.

When you declare to the outside world that you are committed to customer experience, it reinforces that mission to all aspects of your business. As a result, you can request feedback from your customers to confirm and measure your commitment to provide an outstanding customer experience. For example:

  • I bought Mastermoves for myself and found it very easy to use. It works your core abs and the recipes in the book are fantastic!! Very easy to do and most of all; it is all in the name of health. Found that the power juices listed are fantastic and so easy to make.
  • Mastermoves is a nice piece of equipment as it is small and compact. You can get on it almost anytime. I found the workouts short and effective and the price very affordable.
  • I absolutely love Mastermoves. I put on my country music and away I go on it for about 15 minutes - not more and yes I have lost a few inches.

One effective way we use to enhance our customer's experience and to generate word-of-mouth advertising is to give brochures to our new customers. This reminds them the reasons and benefits for practicing Mastermoves and will create opportunity for word-of-mouth endorsements. We tell our customers to become our distributors.


In today's global markets, customer experience has become a key business differentiator-yet delighting customers is not always easy. By focusing on the four core components of marketing outlined in this manual, you can ensure improved revenue, enhanced bottom-line profitability, and long-term brand value.
Often, the only factor that determines success of failure is the way in which a product or service is experience by the customer. By applying Core Marketing you are about to become learn how to develop and maintain a lasting relationship with your customers. That's the good news. The bad news is that most people don't have the discipline to follow instructions correctly; therefore, most people will take shortcomings that lead to failure. Don't do what most people do, be part of the few. Make sure you learn and apply the Core Marketing strategies as suggested in this manual.



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Mastermoves Core Training System -- OK Initiatives, Inc - 1996 - 2012

Telephone: (604) 742-1120

Vancouver, Britsh Columbia, Canada