MASTERMOVES - Core Training
Private Members Site
F.I.T.T Principle for a good workout
Nothing will work unless you take care of your body!

Understanding the F.I.T.T. principle helps you create a workout plan that will be more effective in reaching your fitness goals. F.I.T.T. stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise. These are the four elements you need to think about to create workouts that fit your goals and fitness level. Learn how the F.I.T.T. principle works.

Frequency - Frequency is how often a person performs the targeted health-related physical activity. For each component of health-related fitness, a safe frequency is three to five times a week.

Intensity - Intensity has to do with how hard you work during exercise. How you can change the intensity depends on the type of workout you're doing.

Time - The next element of your workout plan is how long you exercise during each session. There isn't one set rule for how long you should exercise, and it will typically depend on your fitness level and the type of workout you're doing.

Type - The type of exercise you do is the last part of the F.I.T.T. principle and an easy one to manipulate to avoid overuse injuries or weight loss plateaus.


ACTION: Start right now:

  • Frequency: Training should be every day - twice a day.

  • Intensity: Mornings - Moderate; Evenings - High-intensity.

  • Time: Each routine takes 15 minutes.

  • Type: Five routines to be follow based on the daily schedule.




Note: If you need additional support, you can order The Core Challenge Kit.


"Push yourself because no one else is going to do it for you."


MASTERMOVES - Core Training
Private Members Site
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