MASTERMOVES - Core Training
Private Members Site
Success Rules
"Put in what you want out."

In the design of The Core Challenge, we have studied industry leaders, investors and entrepreneurs to understand the traits they all had in common that contributed to their success. The traits they all had in common are not "Secrets", they are simple "Best Practices" and the commitment to follow seven rules:

1- Set goals and get your priorities right: Set goals. Regularly assess where you are and where you want to be in terms of them. This is a kind of prayer that works, and works well. Getting priorities right is about making intelligent choices, deciding what goals to pursue in which order, which takes vision and foresight. Getting your priorities right is about choosing whether to exercise few minutes a day or to be a couch potato for life; whether to drink water or sugar drinks; whether to be a leader or a follower; whether to invest your money or to spend your money.

2- Commit to your training: Train with passion. Passion is at the top of the list of the skills you need to excel in life. When you have passion, you act with energy, you speak with authority and think with clarity. If you don't have an intense, burning desire shaping a beautiful, strong and healthy body, there's no way you'll be able to exercise everyday for the next 100 day to become successful with Master Moves. So, train with passion every day.

3- Learn from your mistakes. Sometimes when you do something new, you make mistakes. Allow for the fact that things will NEVER turn out like you think they will, and you must be prepared to end up miles from where you intended. Maintain a positive tone, even when things don't go as planned. Often, there's always a lesson to be learned.

4- Get organised. Sometimes life could be very stressful and demanding and one of the most important resources you will have is your time. If you want to get the most out of your working day and your training time then you need to be properly organised and you also need to make sure you are not wasting precious time on tasks that are not productive.

5- Take Action. The most important quality essential to success is perseverance in action. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. Success is connected with continuous action. It's largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go. If you've got the courage to take action, you'll attain your goals.

6- Walk before you can run. Start with the basics before you move on to the difficult stuff. You must master a basic skill before you are able to learn more complex things. Knowledge and skills cannot be acquired all at once; it must be gained step by step. Don’t try to build your arm muscles if you have not developed your core muscles.

7- Look for good in everything. Everything has at least two sides to it. Nothing is inherently good or bad. It is what we make of it. We have no control over what people think about us. What they think is their business. How we think and feel is our business. So the first step in how to look good in anything and everything is to feel good about ourselves. Choose to see the good side of everything and you will see great changes in your life.

Keep these seven rules in mind and through the next 100 days you will learn:
  • How to transform your goals and vision into reality—quickly!
  • How to act efficiently and enjoy greater levels of productivity.
  • How to create and maintain a high energy during your daily activities
  • How to develop commitment, discipline and focus in your life.
  • How to eliminate procrastination
  • How to pay attention to details and deliver excellence in every activity.
  • How to develop mental and physical fitness.


"Everybody is a genius. 
But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,
it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
-- Albert Einstein


MASTERMOVES - Core Training
Private Members Site
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